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BEC Training

Best BEC Training Centers in Chennai

BEC ‘s (Business English Certificate Programme) are a suite of 3 English language qualifications for international business.

With a Business English certificate you show employers that you have a good knowledge of English for practical, everyday use in Business.
BEC Training Centers in Chennai will help you to achieve your ambitions to

Work abroad
Work with international organizations in your own country
Study business-related subjects taught in English.

They show that you can use English confidently in international business environments.


Business preliminary certificate is the first level and shows that you can:

Talk about business subjects

Understand charts and graphs

Write a short business email

Follow short telephone conversations.

BEC vantage is the second level in the BEC suite.It shows that you can successfully work in international business. This exam could help you when applying for new jobs, getting a promotion or developing a career.

BEC Training Centers in Chennai

With a BEC Higher qualification you show employers that you have achieved an advanced level of Business English . It shows that you can:

Communicate effectively at managerial and professional level

Participate with confidence in workplace meeting and presentation

Express yourself with a high level of fluency and appropriately in different cultural and social situations.

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The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team. One team – One dream. One team – One heartbeat. One team – One mission.